Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Chapter I: The Intro

First of all, welcome to my blog, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences with you.

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Dudley Joseph and I am currently attending LaGuardia Community College. My major is liberal arts and one of the classes that I am taking this semester is English 101. Keeping this blog is a way to document what I have learned through out the Fall 07 Semester. It is also a creative way to express my ideas on the different assignments and get feedback from my fellow students. This blog will be a souvenir to that I can always look back upon. [Also it is part of the class assignments.]

A moment where you realized that you knew something

The computer was a foreign object to me before I started going to my local library. I use to always look at people doing cool things such as surfing the web or playing games from afar. My first interaction with computers was to play the game “pinball.” Someone from the neighborhood started teaching me the basics and from there I stated learning the intricate world of computers. I used to be at the library as soon as school was out till the closing time. I was usually the last person out of the library and the librarians knew my by name. The moral of this story is that I knew I was computer literate, when I became the one teaching people how to use the computer. They came to me for guidance and I was passing down knowledge to someone else. That’s my literate moment!!

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