Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Chapter IV: An Inspiring Momment

I read a lot

At the moment I’m currently reading “You’ve Been Warned” by James Patterson

If a story captivates you enough, it will inspire you to write down you thoughts

I’m always writing down something whether it is particular passage that I like or an analysis of a passage

This is the result of such an inspiring moment

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What is the mean of a Dream??

The ancients believed that dreams were messages from the gods, and served as oracles to predict the future. Dreams can also convey information from outside of yourself, such as spiritual guidance, premonitions, and interactions with loved ones who have passed on This a meaning that is still prevalent in some cultures around the world believe that. Dreams provide a direct representation of your subconscious mind and any information flowing into or out of it; Like an ambiguous abstract painting of clues. While others believe that dreams are ways for our subconscious to expresses our deepest un-manifested feelings, thoughts, ideas, desires and other psychological factors that may lie buried when you're awake. Sort of like what reality denies us, dreams grants us, like an escape drug dreams indulges us for that mere moment what we sleep. For the mystic, dreams are a spiritual tool that can be used to explore new worlds and other dimensions. They enable the soul to travel outside the body and experience the very essence of life.

Chapter III: Article I

Good Dog pups help kids learn to read

Justin Ortiz sits on a rug in Room 202, Christy Crawford's third grade classroom. "It's 6 o'clock in the morning," the 8-year-old tells Bodhi. "It is time to wake up."

Actually, it's 2:45 in the afternoon, and Bodhi, a 58-pound standard poodle, is awake and at work helping children improve their literacy. He's listening to Justin read the children's book "In the Morning."

"I'm a little bit shy," explains Justin, a second grader. But with Bodhi, Justin doesn't feel foolish if he gets a word wrong. "It's just a dog," he explains.

Bodhi is one of 25 certified therapy dogs sent by the Good Dog Foundation to work in six schools and four New York Public libraries. Their mission: help children like Justin read better by having them do it aloud.

Building children's reading confidence is the purpose of the program. When schools ask for help, the Brooklyn organization assigns volunteer dog-and-owner teams so students can read to them.

"Bodhi loves to help kids learn to read," says Suzanne Soehner, his owner.

On the second floor of PS 51, the Bronx New School, children ages 7 to 10 meet each Tuesday afternoon for a reading club. They practice reading out loud, and Crawford listens for students' comprehension.

The reading club competes with basketball, cooking and knitting clubs, so "having the dog is a big draw," says Crawford. Once the pooch arrives, the children can't wait to get there.

Children who lack confidence often read barely above a robotic whisper, mostly because they fear getting words wrong. Having a dog present "has a real calming effect," says Crawford.

Struggling readers also get stuck trying to decode unfamiliar words. Shanon Santiago stumbles on the word "revolution" while reading "Young George Washington." She keeps practicing, and when her turn to read to Bodhi comes, she nails it. "She was fearless," says Crawford.


Each day, teachers are using new methods and various strategies to help student become literate. These methods may seem weird or unconventional but they seem to be doing the trick. Such as this article points out, reading to a dog has been helping these kids enhance their reading skills. They are getting comfortable with their pronunciation and building confidence. Also these kids don’t feel the pressure of being judge or laugh at by their fellow peers. It like reading to yourself until you get comfortable enough to do it for a broader audience. Using such an approach is a great way to enhance literacy.

Chapter II: Books

A great aspect of taking public transportation is that you get a change to do some reading. I’m always reading something whether it is a newspaper or the new novel from the New York Times best seller list. I have no problem with reading and it’s something I enjoy very much. I’m always at the library asking the library asking the library for a good book to read. Reading is fundamental to someone becoming literate.
These are some of the books that I am reading for the fall semester. These books are the required text for my classes.
Harwisher, Gail and Cynthia Selfe. Literate Lives in the Information Age. New York: Lawrence Elbraum, 2004.

Kress, Gunther. Literacy in the New Media Age. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Raimes, Ann. Keys for Writers: A Brief Handbook. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004.

Career Patterns – A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities

I would recommend to anyone to read these books

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The Alex Cross Series by James Patterson or anything else that he wrote

Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K Hamilton

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson


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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Chapter I: The Intro

First of all, welcome to my blog, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences with you.

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Dudley Joseph and I am currently attending LaGuardia Community College. My major is liberal arts and one of the classes that I am taking this semester is English 101. Keeping this blog is a way to document what I have learned through out the Fall 07 Semester. It is also a creative way to express my ideas on the different assignments and get feedback from my fellow students. This blog will be a souvenir to that I can always look back upon. [Also it is part of the class assignments.]

A moment where you realized that you knew something

The computer was a foreign object to me before I started going to my local library. I use to always look at people doing cool things such as surfing the web or playing games from afar. My first interaction with computers was to play the game “pinball.” Someone from the neighborhood started teaching me the basics and from there I stated learning the intricate world of computers. I used to be at the library as soon as school was out till the closing time. I was usually the last person out of the library and the librarians knew my by name. The moral of this story is that I knew I was computer literate, when I became the one teaching people how to use the computer. They came to me for guidance and I was passing down knowledge to someone else. That’s my literate moment!!